Electric mobility scooters are mobility aids that are similar to wheelchairs but are configured like motor-scooters. Mobility scooters are often referred to as a power-operated vehicle/scooter or electric scooter. While a mobility scooter can eliminate some of the manual strength that is needed for a standard wheelchair, the tiller steering mechanism on mobility scooters still requires that the rider has an upright posture, shoulder and hand strength, and some upper-body mobility and strength.
Electric mobility scooters can be very helpful for individuals who are still able to stand and walk a few steps, sit upright without torso support, and control the steering tiller. This includes those with systemic or whole-body disabling conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), diabetes, etc. You can take a look at our customer testimonial page to see how SmartScoot has helped many people suffering from conditions like these continue their daily activities and maintain their independence.
As for components, electric mobility scooters typically have a seat that sits over two rear wheels, a flat area for the rider’s feet, and handlebars for steering. The majority of electric mobility scooters, including SmartScoot, are battery-powered. SmartScoot’s 288-watt lithium-ion battery can travel an average of 12 miles on a single charge, significantly more than the competition.
If you are in the market for an electric mobility scooter, the various models and types that are available can be overwhelming at first. The main differences are the number of wheels (three or four), the maximum speed, and the size of the disabled scooter. SmartScoot is a three-wheeled electric mobility scooter with front-wheel drive, has a maximum speed of 7mph with speed selector, and is one of the lightest mobility scooters on the market at 39lbs. You can visit our page comparing mobile scooter brands and features to get a better idea of how SmartScoot stacks up against competitors.
Determining what you plan to use the electric mobility scooter for will help you choose which one is best for you. Whether you are planning to use your mobility scooter for daily activities like grocery shopping or something a little more adventurous like going on a family cruise, SmartScoot can help get you there with ease and comfort.
Contact us today with any questions you may have about the SmartScoot electric mobility scooter.