We Are Huge Fans!

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Many people enjoy travel. You may like flying to exotic destinations or taking a relaxing cruise. You do not have to let a mobility difficulty repress your desire to see the world. SmartScoot mobile scooters are designed with travel in mind.

When my husband’s MS began progressing, making it harder for him to walk distances, we were afraid that our travels would have to be curtailed. We discovered mobility scooters and started trying to rent them in the town we were visiting.

We had some success, but those scooters were so big that getting them in and out of a rental car was a real challenge, and many cities don’t have them available for rent. That’s when I discovered the Smart Scoot! Wow, what a revolution! My husband can ride all over the airport, get in and out of elevators very easily because of the front wheel drive, he can even carry/pull both of our suitcases for checking in to our flight while I go park the car.
Out sight-seeing, the scoot is very functional – able to climb impressively steep hills. It’s narrow and maneuverable enough to navigate through most stores and museums – and if we ever encounter a place it cannot go it is a simple matter for me to carry it downstairs, or say, cross railroad tracks. We can now walk downtown from our home to visit the coffee shop or bar.

We LOVE our Smart Scoot – it has allowed us to stay active and continue seeing new places.
