SmartScoot folding mobility scooter supports Judy A. during recovery.

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SmartScoot can make everyday activities possible when recovering from an injury or surgery. Whether you enjoy travel or simply have an active lifestyle, the SmartScoot folding mobility scooter is designed to be easily stored in a car, taken on planes and cruise ships, and easily navigated through tight or rough terrain. SmartScoot helped Judy A. through multiple surgeries by allowing extended mobility despite limitations on her ability to walk.

It’s been a lifesaver. I’ve now had two knee replacements and one hip replacement, and I’m getting my second hip replacement in May. After I recover from that one, I won’t need the scooter anymore, but it’s gotten me through a lot. ?

I recently purchased a SmartScoot directly from the manufacturer, because we are traveling a lot this summer, and I needed to arrange an exact delivery date. I recently had a total knee replacement and will be having the other knee and both hips replaced over the next 18 months. For several months after each surgery, my surgeon wants me to limit the number of hours each day I spend walking, but I want to be outdoors more than that. So I purchased the SmartScoot to extend the amount of time I can spend outdoors with my husband and dogs while recovering from surgeries.

Here are a few observations to add to all the things already mentioned by other reviewers.

First, before bought the SmartScoot was using a KneeRover seated manual scooter (you kick with one leg to make it go). I actually find the SmartScoot EASIER to fold and the seat EASIER to remove. When you use a scooter with an airline, you have to fold it up while standing in the boarding tunnel outside the door of the plane, and no one from the airline will help you. So the ease of folding and unfolding is important if you plan to use it for airline travel.

Second, I was delighted to discover that my SmartScoot runs beautifully on close-cropped grass, most cobblestone walks, and smooth dirt. It loses traction only when blades of grass are about 1″ long or longer, in loose gravel, or on rutted or rocky dirt paths.

Third, if you want to make it even lighter, the seat back isn’t really necessary. While some people might want to use the seat back, I found it unnecessary.

Fourth, the rear wheels can be set up in three positions. The assembly directions recommended the middle position, for ease of going through doors. I decided to use the widest position for increased stability and have not yet encountered a door I couldn’t drive through.

Fifth, I was pleasantly surprised by the power of the SmartScoot to drive up sidewalk curbs. I’ve been using it in a mountain resort where the “sloped curbs” for wheelchairs are about 3″ high and no more than 3″ to 4″ long. I thought I was going to have to “help” my SmartScoot get up the nonstandard curbs, but it will power right up them in the middle gear.

– Judy A.